Dec 2012 Azawakh Litter, Three Generations of Dams

January 3, 2013

First Generation

Dam, Tawzalt Idiiyat-es-Sahel


Tawzalt and Brick Wall

Cassandra with Tawzalt

Second Generation

Paternal Grand Dam, WeWille Dari

Mommy daughter moment

Streak of Dari

Tommy Loves Dari

Maternal Grand Dam, Semteende Idiiyat-es-Sahel

Lounging Semteende


Third Generation

Great Grand Dam, Tomboktou’s Nahalet




Great Grand Dam, Isalen of Silverdale

This is the only photograph that I have of Isalen. I believe that Dari is one of these puppies. Dari was born in Mexico at the home of Ricardo Wille and is now living there again with Martha Willcox and John Gale.


Great Grand Dam, Imouyene Idiiyat-es-Sahel



Great Grand Dam, Showq Al-Ifriqiya


Showq movement


Bonus Fourth Generation: Out of Africa


Taytok is Tawzalt’s great-grandmother, twice. She was imported from directly from the Kel Dahoussahaq Touregs in Mali to Gabi Meissen in Germany. Tawzalt favors Taytok. They are both very beautiful and full of personality. Afouda today at nearly 3 weeks looks very much like Taytok puppy photos in Mali.



Taytok ferns


Taikoussou ag Intangoum

Taikoussou was imported directly from the Sahel. Ayad al Inachanan in Tin Akof, Burkina Faso, kept her brindled sister also called Taikoussou. Werner Roeder took Taikoussou ag Intangoum to Germany and placed her puppy Isalen of Silverdale with Ricardo Wille in Mexico. Taikoussou was very athletic and very beautiful but by some unfortunate most of her puppies were never bred. The only western Azawakh to continue her line are Azelouan’s siblings and offspring out of Qulood X Dari.

I really love the photograph of Taikoussou vaulting a stream. Her great-grandson Azelouan who sired Tawzalt’s December 2012 litter has a penchant for leaping streams as well.

Taikoussou ag intangoum

Taikoussou jump


One Response to “Dec 2012 Azawakh Litter, Three Generations of Dams”

  1. Iva L inthicum Says:

    They are so beautiful .Just make you want to give them a big hug

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